Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Brushing away the cobWebs

Well, i'm attempting to anyway.
Figured i should really update this, i'm working on the Space For Rent myspace and blog, so i thought why not blast another personal one into the blogosphere.

Things are pretty good at the moment.
Although i'm a bit sick, i have this cold thingy that everyone's getting. And i have exams in a week and a half. And then there's the powerpoint presentation i have to give tomorrow. Which is pretty lame. Oh and its FREEZING!! I wish it was summer. Or hawaii. Or some other nice tropical place where it is warm and there's sand i can walk on with bare feet (sans hypothermia).

SO, things actually are pretty good at the moment. There's only one day of uni left. And i've got credits in every assessment i've got back yet this semester, including a chem test in which i almost had a near death (or at least considerably panicked) experience. I only remembered i had to do the test when it was 2am monday and it was due by 9am monday, and i was already working on a psych assignment due at 4pm monday (none of which i could have started earlier because i had an even huger psych assignment due the friday before this!). So that was a stressful day!
Oooops i was meant to be telling about how good life is! I think i have a problem with complaining. Very silly. So, uni's pretty good really. I haven't seen as much of my regular uni friends as usual, everyone seems so busy. But i've been hanging out with other people which is cool too. And only doing three subjects means i'm less worried about cramming so much learning in. There is a LOT of material in the chem course but i'm pretty confident i can slog through it.

Ooh and i think i saved the best til last... I have a girlfriend! Her name is sarah, and she is brightening up my life considerably!
Actually she's probably one of the very few people reading this so hi sarah :)

And she just came online!! Wow, speak of the devil.

I think i'll have to ask to be excused at this juncture....
*wanders off to do some stuff*

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yay!!! Dave is back...
