Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ow ow ow!!! & Holidays! (not)

Ok that's way bad.

And that's way funny. He made the right decision of where to guard.

Anyway, onto holidays. It's stuvac now, technically. Although i still have one assigment left, which sucks a lot. But yeah after tomorrow, i have no more stuff to do until exams next week.
I just have to learn the entire chemistry course.

Seriously, i take notes in lectures, i try and go to all of them, i do well in the pracs, but i feel like i really haven't learnt much at all, i really have a lot of reading to do in stuvac. Way bad.

Speaking of way, i'm going to have a way jar soon. I have recently started using it as an adjective, sort of in the place of very. It's way bizarre. So, yes i'm probably going to create a jar.
Mike has a yeah-yeah jar. I say it too, but not often enough to warrant a jar. For the last week or so i've been putting way into most sentences!

Time to go continue my psychology essay! Woot. Not.


Anonymous said...

I should have a "fun times" or a "good times" jar. Rachel should have a "f^#%" and a "s@*&" jar. Aren't I a nice sister???

Dave said...

Woo, a comment!
Hehe yeah jars are good.
At the moment i just have a spare change jar.. My wallet doesn't fit coins so they're always hanging around in my pockets.

Amanda said...

hmmmmm... That pole thingy looked dodgy. I'm assuming it was.

Hello!!! *waves*

Dave said...

Lol i think the only thing that pole DIDN'T do that it should have was dodge. There was definitely way too much contact there.. a square hit. Maaaaan he wouldn't have been able to breathe!
The hazards of pole vaulting. Way bad.