Sunday, October 15, 2006

Temporary inbox!

This site is pretty useful, if you want to sign up for something and not have your email address plastered mercilessly over the internet. It creates a unique address, for example:
and then you can login (no password, you just paste the email address in), and check your email. I used it today to sign up for a psychology journal which happened to have the article that i wanted. Anyway. Here is their little banner thingy.

**edit** On second thoughts, its actually quite a massive banner thingy. Sooo, it cuts off the side. But there is really not much i can do about it because i know very close to nothing about html. I suppose i could have downloaded it from the site, photoshopped it smaller, pasted it as a picture, and then put the link on it... Hmmm. Too much work.

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