Saturday, October 07, 2006

LOL comic

Haha so good. There are quite a lot of these, my sis found them. So random but funny. Speaking of which- if anyone wants more amusing entertainment, go to and look up the teen girl squad cartoons.

I had a brief period of worrying today, i let an extra hour slip by without taking my panadeine forte, and my jaw felt like it was going to fall off! Kinda like the feeling when you get braces tightened, but a lot worse. Anyway, i'm clearly not doing too badly because i had pizza and pasta for dinner!
And i've had lots of visitors. Chloe came yesterday and we hung out for a while, which was really cool. And Mike and Bec came over today and brought me chocolate mouse (sic), which was very nice. Oh, the mouse bit was an in joke, i really can spell. Jemimah and Emily also came over, but they weren't actually looking for me, but i'll just pretend they were! So, lots of visitors for me :D

Ooooh and the rehearsals for Handel's Messiah start on monday, how exciting! I'm looking forward to it, even though i probably won't be able to sing excellently given the state of my mouth.

Time for me to head off to bed (or to continue trying to fix these woeful colours!). Goodnight!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Haha! Funny comic. Just what i'd expect from you... WHICH ISN'T A BAD THING! *shifty eyes*

I really should actually watch those teen girl squad thingies some time...In fact, I think I'll do that right now.

As for visiting you... I could have, but I don't actually like you, so decided against
~I soooo kidding!~