Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ow ow ow!!! & Holidays! (not)

Ok that's way bad.

And that's way funny. He made the right decision of where to guard.

Anyway, onto holidays. It's stuvac now, technically. Although i still have one assigment left, which sucks a lot. But yeah after tomorrow, i have no more stuff to do until exams next week.
I just have to learn the entire chemistry course.

Seriously, i take notes in lectures, i try and go to all of them, i do well in the pracs, but i feel like i really haven't learnt much at all, i really have a lot of reading to do in stuvac. Way bad.

Speaking of way, i'm going to have a way jar soon. I have recently started using it as an adjective, sort of in the place of very. It's way bizarre. So, yes i'm probably going to create a jar.
Mike has a yeah-yeah jar. I say it too, but not often enough to warrant a jar. For the last week or so i've been putting way into most sentences!

Time to go continue my psychology essay! Woot. Not.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Temporary inbox!

This site is pretty useful, if you want to sign up for something and not have your email address plastered mercilessly over the internet. It creates a unique address, for example:
and then you can login (no password, you just paste the email address in), and check your email. I used it today to sign up for a psychology journal which happened to have the article that i wanted. Anyway. Here is their little banner thingy.

**edit** On second thoughts, its actually quite a massive banner thingy. Sooo, it cuts off the side. But there is really not much i can do about it because i know very close to nothing about html. I suppose i could have downloaded it from the site, photoshopped it smaller, pasted it as a picture, and then put the link on it... Hmmm. Too much work.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Let me entertain you...

Now i'm going to tell you all about my new favourite shows. I have two of them.
Jericho is on 10 [i think] on thursday nights, i only saw the last episode but i remember seeing the ads and thinking it looked cool. It's about a nuclear (i think) attack on the US, and there is a little town that somehow survives the attack (maybe they're in a valley like in 'z for zachariah', or maybe they were just far enough away). Well, it's a good show so far.
My other one isn't actually on tv. It's on There is a user called lonelygirl15, and she has a videoblog about her life. It's a bit of fun, short episodes, and there is a lot of drama on the website about her. A few weeks/months after she started blogging (and became a huge success, with millions of people watching her blogs), she came out on tv (real tv!) and told everyone her show was fake. She and her colleagues are actors, and they are doing it as a kind of internet tv-drama soapie thing. This has attracted a lot of haters and people saying she's fake etc., but hey it's still entertaining. So that's my other new pastime. There is also a guy called Paul Robinett (aka Renetto) who has very interesting insightful videos, and some good comedy too.

Anyway time to head off. Bye!

**Edit** I thought i'd add a video from renetto. There is a thing on youtube about diet coke and mentos, if you mix them you get quite a reaction. Anyway, he tested it out for himself.


Gah! I have/have had so many assignments due this and next week. I lost the ability to work sometime late last night, i was doing an essay and it was going nowhere so i just went to sleep. It's only 10% a week.
Life has just been very crazy lately and what with me getting moderately big surgery last week i'm a little less able to cope. And i know i have to try and relax and eat well and sleep well so it heals quickly (i have gaping holes in my mouth that i don't like!). I'm trying not to take too many painkillers, it's good to avoid flooding oneself with synthetic chemicals. Codeine is potentially addictive and has several weird side-effects, paracetamol doesn't really do much for me, and ibuprofen in large or recurrent dosages causes tinnitus. I haven't had any drugs for a few days, but my mouth is pretty sore still so it's hard.
Anyway. Other than that i guess things are pretty good. The musical starts next week, the first show is Wednesday but i have rehearsals on Sunday Monday and Tuesday. If anyone wants to come see me then just let me know. Student tix are a bargain at $10.
Messiah is going well, we had our first rehearsal on monday, and everyone enjoyed it. Pity i can't make it next week because i have the musical.

Oooh and i've been asked to play bass at two more camps, an EU camp (club veg) and a kids' camp that a lot of EU people are involved in leading (the green tent). So we'll see what happens there.

I hope everyone likes the new colours. I might change them again sometime, when i think of a good colour scheme. But don't hold your breath, it took me quite a while to get these ones working.

Ok i'll go now so this isn't too long!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

LOL comic

Haha so good. There are quite a lot of these, my sis found them. So random but funny. Speaking of which- if anyone wants more amusing entertainment, go to and look up the teen girl squad cartoons.

I had a brief period of worrying today, i let an extra hour slip by without taking my panadeine forte, and my jaw felt like it was going to fall off! Kinda like the feeling when you get braces tightened, but a lot worse. Anyway, i'm clearly not doing too badly because i had pizza and pasta for dinner!
And i've had lots of visitors. Chloe came yesterday and we hung out for a while, which was really cool. And Mike and Bec came over today and brought me chocolate mouse (sic), which was very nice. Oh, the mouse bit was an in joke, i really can spell. Jemimah and Emily also came over, but they weren't actually looking for me, but i'll just pretend they were! So, lots of visitors for me :D

Ooooh and the rehearsals for Handel's Messiah start on monday, how exciting! I'm looking forward to it, even though i probably won't be able to sing excellently given the state of my mouth.

Time for me to head off to bed (or to continue trying to fix these woeful colours!). Goodnight!


There are going to be some pretty major changes going on in the next day or so, so i'm sorry if the colours are unbearable or ugly or random. I hope at the end they will all come into place and look nice and pretty :)
If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to email or comment, and i'll consider them... Or laugh at you.

Jelly and ice cream (don't read if you're squeamish)

So, thismorning i got to wake up super early to go to manly.
I had been planning to do it all holidays with uni people, we wanted to go nice and early and hang out and surf etc. Funny how things turn out....
I was actually going this time to manly waters hospital, a bit less fun than the beach, to get my wisdom teeth out. It was a really nice place, no hospital smell whatsoever (so claire wouldn't faint :p), and they looked after me pretty well.
Oh yes, claire came along for the ride, so i wasn't completely by myself. Although i knew that God was looking after me, so i wasn't really alone.

Anyway, the anaesthetist was really good, he did a nice job of getting the needle in without too much pain, and the anaesthetic was definitely a blessing. My surgeon also did a pretty good job i think, i'm feeling pretty happy about everything; although i'm glad i wasn't awake, i'm sure there was some hardcore drilling and chiselling going on. They were pretty deep, so usually what they do is dig down into the bone with a drill or whatever, and then smash the teeth into little pieces with a hammer and chisel or something similar, and pull the bits out one by one. Niiiiice.

Now that everyone has stopped being sick... Food is kinda bad, i'm really hanging out for an oporto burger, or a good steak, or even just the cashews on the kitchen bench. But not happening, not for quite a while yet. I really don't want to have to deal with reopened holes or broken stitches. There's only so much blood a person can swallow (though, according to fight club you can swallow a pint of your own blood before you get sick!). I didn't have too much today thankfully, they had gauze in my mouth until i stopped the majority of my bleeding.

Ok i'll leave it there, i'm way tired and i want to get to sleep before ibuprofen, codeine, and paracetemol stop working! Although i still actually ahve a numb patch from the local anaesthetic thismorning: the bottom right hand corner of my face. From my cheekbone down, and from my chin to 3/4 of the way to my ear, i can't feel anything. It's like when you sleep on your arm, and your hand is cold and feelingless the next morning. Kinda like a piece of meat, thats attached but not really part of you. Weeeeird feeling. So, that makes eating liquids quite a challenge.
The doctor said they once had a really princess-y girl in there, and she saw herself in the mirror after her hospital meal and actually burst into tears! Thankfully i wasn't that numb, at least not all over my face, so i managed to eat my jelly and ice cream without spilling much. It took me quite a while though. And i have drooled occasionally, coz i can't feel most of my bottom lip- especially bad because my saliva is always dark red with blood. Mmmmm. Ok bye for now!
I will update if something interesting happens. A friend of a friend had leftover bits of bone coming out the sockets, that they missed in the operation!