Saturday, September 23, 2006

And now for something completely uncalled for!

Hahaha. That was awesome, i soo didn't see it coming. I guess that guy didn't either.
I know, I haven't posted for aaaages. I've had a lot on lately with uni, it's been pretty hectic! I am playing bass in a musical, called Shake It. It's being put on by queenwood old girls, and its very awesome!
So that is currently absorbing my tuesday nights. Mondays will soon be gone too, because Messiah rehearsals begin. I'm singing in a production of Handel's Messiah, which we sing around christmas time. Very fancy, we all wear dinner suits etc.
Other than that, life is pretty much continuing as normal. My new subject at uni, software 1001, is fun but quite challenging. Chemistry is increasingly difficult and complicated, and i am just hoping to pass this semester then i'll see where i'm at. Psychology is fun as usual.. The odd essay due in, of which there are more this semester, but yeah it's all pretty cruisy other than that!

Oh, and i'm getting my wisdom teeth out either this week or next, depending if a vacancy happens this week. So i'm not really looking forward to that.
Holidays are very good, i can have time to just muck around, clean my room, play some more piano, perhaps even write some more songs. I haven't felt very inspired or motivated to do that for quite a while, but i want to try. I suppose we'll see!

I had uni people over for dinner today, which was very nice. Nobody's fallen ill with food poisoning yet that i'm aware of, so i think i'm in the clear :p
Bec brought her famous chocolate mousse, and we all played lots of mario kart and tetris, both of which were enjoyed by all!

My bed is calling me, and if i want any chance of making it to training tomorrow i should go now! I'll try and post more in the holidays, seeing as i might have time. Especially if i'm moping at home having had my teeth out...


Anonymous said...

hehehe famous.... here's a hint: IT COMES FROM A BOX!!!

Amanda said...

hehehe! That's funny. How do you get your video's to work so well... my uni friends ones dont actually load properly

Anonymous said...

Software 1001? They're teaching you binary now?!?!?

Dave said...

No, i already know binary!
They're teaching me object-oriented programming in java.