Saturday, July 29, 2006


Sorry, I haven't posted much of late. I was away all of last week, and this week I have been busy at uni!
It's the end of the first week back now.

AnCon was great! I had lots of fun, learned heaps, and was challenged in lots of ways! It was really encouraging to be surrounded by so many christian people, and have such engaging talks, and playing bass was great. Bass was the hard part though! We had 3 practices a day, one after breakfast, one in free time, and another after dinner before the main session. Very demanding on concentration and time.
It was very rewarding, however, to see people really getting into the music. Various hands raised, or eyes closed, just make you think wow, I'm helping encourage this person to worship God!

This week, I haven't really done much interesting. I ended up signing up for a first year software development course, which is so far proving to be very difficult, but it had a much nicer timetable than the neuroanatomy which i was also considering doing! I now have fridays off, which is pretty good.

If you want something to help you waste your life but thoroughly enjoy yourself in the meantime, check out:
I'm in universe 15 :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hello, I havnt commented on your blog for a while, so here I am. Hello!