Saturday, July 29, 2006


Sorry, I haven't posted much of late. I was away all of last week, and this week I have been busy at uni!
It's the end of the first week back now.

AnCon was great! I had lots of fun, learned heaps, and was challenged in lots of ways! It was really encouraging to be surrounded by so many christian people, and have such engaging talks, and playing bass was great. Bass was the hard part though! We had 3 practices a day, one after breakfast, one in free time, and another after dinner before the main session. Very demanding on concentration and time.
It was very rewarding, however, to see people really getting into the music. Various hands raised, or eyes closed, just make you think wow, I'm helping encourage this person to worship God!

This week, I haven't really done much interesting. I ended up signing up for a first year software development course, which is so far proving to be very difficult, but it had a much nicer timetable than the neuroanatomy which i was also considering doing! I now have fridays off, which is pretty good.

If you want something to help you waste your life but thoroughly enjoy yourself in the meantime, check out:
I'm in universe 15 :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rubik Himself! [maybe]

Woah... Nerd factor. This guy is nuts.
Oh and how good is that, I worked out how to make video stick to my blog!

Wouldn't it be cool if... #2

Wouldn't it be cool if..
They didn't create that stupid rule where you have to capitalise 'I' when it's by itself! I hate that rule. Especially when I'm typing on my blog, and of course the main focus is me, so there are lots of 'I's to capitalise. Perhaps I shall go on strike.
A punctuation strike. The capitalisation of subsequent Is shall be forsaken, as a protest against this annoying rule. And because my little finger is getting tired from having to push the shift key. Once every sentence is QUITE enough [oops, there was more shift-iness in this sentence!].

Or maybe I'll just pretend like it's not a problem, like everyone else in the world seems to do. But you all know the sinister nature of this rule. Mutant pinky fingers.
Actually mine's already mutant. I'm missing a tendon in the pinky finger of my left hand, apparrently 15% of people are. I cant bend one of the joints independently. Nor can Claire or Mum. Strange.

Enough of this madness. I'll go, so i [oops] can finally get around to watching this movie!


p.s. Java is so crazy!!

p.p.s. If any bracket enthusiasts take offence at my prominent use of 'square brackets', the reason is simple. To create a standard round bracket, one must press THE SHIFT KEY. [sorry, just testing it out]
However, I recently came upon the revelation that there are, in fact, a lovely bunch of bracket keys a little lower and to the right of these original keys which purported to be bracket keys [but were, in fact, a '9' and a '0']. And there is no SHIFTing required to activate said keys.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nooot much to say.

No, not much going on really. I went out for dinner yesterday with people from my uni bible study, so that was fun!
Otherwise, i've pretty much been in my pyjamas since sunday.

I'm trying to work out another cool trick to do on photoshop. I'll try and post it when I'm done. I found a few cool tips here, including the iPod ad:
Graphics Tutorials

Oh, and everyone- buy a mac! Those ads are so funny! A little harsh, perhaps. Given that Windows appears to have lifted their game a little as far as user-friendliness and integration between programs are concerned. But still, I love the way all the core applications [programs] in mac are linked. In iPhoto, there is an 'email' button, that automatically opens Mail, with the selected photos attached. And when you type the first few letters in the "To:" field, then mail uses your address book to complete the address!
The no viruses thing is fun too.
Anyway, you're probably asking 'what ads'.
Get a Mac campaign [on the apple website]

La la la.
Ok I'm going to go continue watching my movie now. For those that like b-grade action films, I'm watching 'Cypher'. Looked like a bit of fun.
'Cypher' on Imdb

Later dudes!

Ohh dear...

Seems I have too much time on my hands:
Well, that was fun. If anyone wants me to do one for them, I know how to do it properly :D
Though the time taken to make them will of course be subject to change depending on demand. And whether I get a life.
Bye for now!

**edit** for some reason the pic comes up in stupid bad quality no matter what format or size I use... I even tried uploading the 5MB one, but it made no difference. Well for the record, the original is crystal clear. I think the net has trouble with large uninterrupted fields of the one colour.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I just wrote the most bizarre post

Yes it was strange. Lots of stuff about psychology. I realised it didn't make much sense, or have much purpose, so I killed it. Anyway.
Holidays are strange times... They give you lots of time to think!

I still haven't been able to think of a regular column to put on my blog though... Kinda like Rove's 'What The', or The Glass House's Trophy. Hahaha wil anderson does the same speech every time: "yesss, it's time to award the coveted glass house trophy, which this week is called *insert lame trophy name here*"
I'm currently deciding between an amusing picture, or a joke, or something I make up like an insightful thought, or a question that has no answer.

Oooooh, we have a winner! "Wouldn't it be cool if..."
Well that's that then. If nobody likes it I'll find something else to do.

Wouldn't it be cool if someone poisoned the water in the Big Brother house. Or went in in the night and cut all their clothes into shreds. It was a good idea in '1982' [the novel, not the year], but seriously. I will admit, the first series was an amusing social psychology experiment. Of which I even watched a few episodes. But this is scraping the barrel, guys.
So, cyanide, arsenic, strychnine anyone? Or maybe just something that would make them all spew for a few days. Gastro. That would be funny! Not that gastro is really funny. But it would be funny in the Big Brother house!

**edit** Yes, I know, it's 1984. I think it must have been a typo because I'm fairly confident that I knew it was 1984. Oh well. Mistakes happen!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Band stuff! [and my poor fingers]

Ahhh how we love music.
Music is great!
Although it is hurting me to type this. Literally. My fingers are so sore! And it's all because of music.

I had an AnCon band practice today, we played from 12:45 til 4:30 with pretty much no gaps. Now, bass is heavier than guitar. And I don't use a pick for bass, I use my fingers. So, sore shoulder, and sore fingers.
But the band is so good!! It is so great to be surrounded by people with so much talent. And to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord", which is exactly what we were doing! I'm very glad I volunteered to be in the band. Lots of fun, and I'll be using what God has given me to encourage other people!

Now having complained about the state of my fingers and shoulder, it is becoming more and more distressing to think about the fact that SFR [the band I'm in] have a 2 hour gig tomorrow night. Argh! More info about this is on the band's website [there's a link in the 'assorted friends' section on the right]. I guess I'll just put some rubbing alcohol on the blisters before I go and hope they go down a little. And when I'm playing I'm sure the adrenaline will make sure I won't be in too much pain!
Ok it's quite late, and i want to do something fun tomorrow, so i'll go now!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

My everything hurts!

Hullo all.
Taekwondo was good. My ankle is recovering [injured in training on wednesday], but i'm pretty sore all over! We had sean for training because Master Suh is in Korea. This means harder work!
It is good in the long run, but it hurts now.

Anyway. Stumbled across this amusing video. It's another cut+paste job with President Bush's state of the union address. Quite the funny. Note: its a moderately big file, 14.2MB.

As for Diablo II, i haven't made any more real progress, but in an hour or so more of playing i'll be fighting andariel so i might try and grab a screenshot of her, if i'm not too busy dying of her massive poison attack.

Diablo II fun

Ok i couldn't resist... Here are some pics of me playing/killing/testing out brilliant new lightning skills. This is me, making a level 2 'nova' at the altar. Yes, those fonts are full of blood. Don't ask.

This is me, trying to kill a shaman of some description, using lightning. Maaaaan, that lightning is cool. But he was too quick, and sent 2 fireballs my way- as you can see the first of which has just hit me and exploded everywhere. Due to said extenuating circumstances, the fullness of the red orb that is my health, has diminished a little :(
There's another shaman down the bottom left, emitting an eerie purple glow.

This is what happens when a little creature with a big club decides to run up behind us. As you can see, the pool of blood is obscured by the awesome power of the lightning. And you can see a 'cold arrow' fired by my helper, who was obviously a little too slow the trigger for her to claim the kill. Or perhaps my awesome lightning travels faster than arrows :p

Here is a nice one of a whole band of little guys with big clubs, surrounding me. Or perhaps i ran into the middle of them. I'm a little hazy on that detail :p
Well, my nova took care of them all. Very rapidly.

The 'after shot'. When lighning hits an angry little blue creature, it just fries him and keeps going. Mmmmmm, lightningy goodness.

Well, that's all for thisevening. I shall retire to bed, and return tomorrow. If someone really fun attacks me then i'll put a pic of that in. But i'll try not to do too many more, because i know it would become tedious for those who have no interest in such childish games :p
Or, for that matter, those with dial-up internet- who sat waiting for the page to load, only to discover it really wasn't worth your time!

Hello Everyone!

I had fun creating the band's page, so i thought I'd do one of my own!
So here we are. I'm on holidays so I have found myself with large amounts of time at my disposal, most of which are spent right here on the computer.
I have completed another 2.5 acts [on 2 different characters] in Diablo II in the last 2 days.
Anyhow, i have lots of work to get back to making this blog look all pretty. But not too pretty, that would be weird.