Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Nooot much to say.

No, not much going on really. I went out for dinner yesterday with people from my uni bible study, so that was fun!
Otherwise, i've pretty much been in my pyjamas since sunday.

I'm trying to work out another cool trick to do on photoshop. I'll try and post it when I'm done. I found a few cool tips here, including the iPod ad:
Graphics Tutorials

Oh, and everyone- buy a mac! Those ads are so funny! A little harsh, perhaps. Given that Windows appears to have lifted their game a little as far as user-friendliness and integration between programs are concerned. But still, I love the way all the core applications [programs] in mac are linked. In iPhoto, there is an 'email' button, that automatically opens Mail, with the selected photos attached. And when you type the first few letters in the "To:" field, then mail uses your address book to complete the address!
The no viruses thing is fun too.
Anyway, you're probably asking 'what ads'.
Get a Mac campaign [on the apple website]

La la la.
Ok I'm going to go continue watching my movie now. For those that like b-grade action films, I'm watching 'Cypher'. Looked like a bit of fun.
'Cypher' on Imdb

Later dudes!

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