Saturday, October 07, 2006

Jelly and ice cream (don't read if you're squeamish)

So, thismorning i got to wake up super early to go to manly.
I had been planning to do it all holidays with uni people, we wanted to go nice and early and hang out and surf etc. Funny how things turn out....
I was actually going this time to manly waters hospital, a bit less fun than the beach, to get my wisdom teeth out. It was a really nice place, no hospital smell whatsoever (so claire wouldn't faint :p), and they looked after me pretty well.
Oh yes, claire came along for the ride, so i wasn't completely by myself. Although i knew that God was looking after me, so i wasn't really alone.

Anyway, the anaesthetist was really good, he did a nice job of getting the needle in without too much pain, and the anaesthetic was definitely a blessing. My surgeon also did a pretty good job i think, i'm feeling pretty happy about everything; although i'm glad i wasn't awake, i'm sure there was some hardcore drilling and chiselling going on. They were pretty deep, so usually what they do is dig down into the bone with a drill or whatever, and then smash the teeth into little pieces with a hammer and chisel or something similar, and pull the bits out one by one. Niiiiice.

Now that everyone has stopped being sick... Food is kinda bad, i'm really hanging out for an oporto burger, or a good steak, or even just the cashews on the kitchen bench. But not happening, not for quite a while yet. I really don't want to have to deal with reopened holes or broken stitches. There's only so much blood a person can swallow (though, according to fight club you can swallow a pint of your own blood before you get sick!). I didn't have too much today thankfully, they had gauze in my mouth until i stopped the majority of my bleeding.

Ok i'll leave it there, i'm way tired and i want to get to sleep before ibuprofen, codeine, and paracetemol stop working! Although i still actually ahve a numb patch from the local anaesthetic thismorning: the bottom right hand corner of my face. From my cheekbone down, and from my chin to 3/4 of the way to my ear, i can't feel anything. It's like when you sleep on your arm, and your hand is cold and feelingless the next morning. Kinda like a piece of meat, thats attached but not really part of you. Weeeeird feeling. So, that makes eating liquids quite a challenge.
The doctor said they once had a really princess-y girl in there, and she saw herself in the mirror after her hospital meal and actually burst into tears! Thankfully i wasn't that numb, at least not all over my face, so i managed to eat my jelly and ice cream without spilling much. It took me quite a while though. And i have drooled occasionally, coz i can't feel most of my bottom lip- especially bad because my saliva is always dark red with blood. Mmmmm. Ok bye for now!
I will update if something interesting happens. A friend of a friend had leftover bits of bone coming out the sockets, that they missed in the operation!


Amanda said...

Hehe. An interesting day huh?...

When my dad had his teeth fixed (not sure exactly what for), he took a pill. His face went numb and he started droolign as mum drove him to the tooth doctor..hehe

Well, I'm glad for you that it's all done now.

Anonymous said...

I'd been planning to go to manly early too. Heh.

Fight club eh? Good source of info ;) Anyway, I've been hackey-sacking (ie playing Yame (pronounced yah-may)) all day, so i'd better go wash my hands with soap.