Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Wouldn't it be coool if someone made a computer chair that was really really comfy.
Not like everyday, average, padded kinda comfy. Comfy like those couches that you sit in and you sink, and it becomes decidedly difficult to get up because firstly you've sunk so far in and secondly it's so comfy that you wouldn't even get up for food. Well, maybe pizza. Gourmet pizza.
Anyway, couches. I think some form of gel design would work, like a beanbag but with a viscous gel, and some form of frame to make it the right height. Actually why does it have to be high? It could be at knee level, kinda reclined, and the computer just hovers in front of/above you.
Like, a dentist's chair at half tilt, but made out of nice gel stuff that you sink into, and with a computer desk of some description that kinda swivels in front of you once you've sat down.
Ok I clearly spend too much time at my computer!
I'm going to go to bed now. My eyes hurt. Perhaps i'll post a real post before i go..


Anonymous said...

Wow, you blogged three times in three days...I'm impressed!!! Gold stars and big ticks for Dave...keep up the good work!!

Amanda said...
