Sunday, July 09, 2006

I just wrote the most bizarre post

Yes it was strange. Lots of stuff about psychology. I realised it didn't make much sense, or have much purpose, so I killed it. Anyway.
Holidays are strange times... They give you lots of time to think!

I still haven't been able to think of a regular column to put on my blog though... Kinda like Rove's 'What The', or The Glass House's Trophy. Hahaha wil anderson does the same speech every time: "yesss, it's time to award the coveted glass house trophy, which this week is called *insert lame trophy name here*"
I'm currently deciding between an amusing picture, or a joke, or something I make up like an insightful thought, or a question that has no answer.

Oooooh, we have a winner! "Wouldn't it be cool if..."
Well that's that then. If nobody likes it I'll find something else to do.

Wouldn't it be cool if someone poisoned the water in the Big Brother house. Or went in in the night and cut all their clothes into shreds. It was a good idea in '1982' [the novel, not the year], but seriously. I will admit, the first series was an amusing social psychology experiment. Of which I even watched a few episodes. But this is scraping the barrel, guys.
So, cyanide, arsenic, strychnine anyone? Or maybe just something that would make them all spew for a few days. Gastro. That would be funny! Not that gastro is really funny. But it would be funny in the Big Brother house!

**edit** Yes, I know, it's 1984. I think it must have been a typo because I'm fairly confident that I knew it was 1984. Oh well. Mistakes happen!


Anonymous said...

Did you mean 1984??? (the novel not the year)

Anonymous said...

Or is there actually a book called 1982 which I just haven't heard of??

Amanda said...

I'm confused...
Anyway, I think a "wouldn't it...etc" (I can't be bothered going back and typing the exact phrasing) Is a good Idea. I would like awards on my blog, but my life is kinda boring at the moment. Plus, I sign off with "CU Soon!", and have a "Trekky Update" at the end of my blogs, though all that is usefull for is showing the word how much of a geek I am.

The whole Big brother Idea came from a book you know.
Also on this topic, poisoning theie water would be funny, but I fear If we talk too much about it here the authoritiyes will actch"Big Brother Is Watching"

Amanda said...

P.S my hands are cold so the many, many typo's in the previous comment can be attributed to that.

Anonymous said...

sarah is smart of course you were refering to 1984 the book by george orwell however being the braincelllacking person you are you said 1982. there is a big difference. theres a whole 730 days!!! thats like half my life.
anyway id you watch oc tonight. it was like super uber great and yes. volchek is sex. (sorry to crash your dreams)

Anonymous said...

I think she meant DID you watch oc not ID...
Now she is making noises like a cow giving birth.
sorry, I will try and ensure she doesn't do this again...

Dave said...

No, i didn't watch oc.
What do you mean sorry to crash your dreams? Waaaait, maybe you meant crush. Still don't get it though.
Cow noises?

Oh do you like my picture btw?

Anonymous said...

She meant crush your dreams as in you are not sex. I think it's probably a good thing that she doesn't think you are sex :)
Yes David, picture is really really cool.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Ok, that did post twice. Damn. My internet crashed (yes, crashed not crushed) on me the first time so I couldn't tell if it posted or not.
But the one I WROTE first POSTED second. How very strange...

Dave said...

Aaaah, but if you post twice that can be easily fixed... See, I have the awesome supreme power of being able to delete comments. And I can delete them so it still says "comment deleted by blog admin" or I can delete it FOREVER! Then it just vanishes!

I could even comment and pretend to be someone else, if i so desired... Lol.
I can imagine some pretty amusing things happening there.

Amanda said...

You're all crazy!!!

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