Saturday, July 01, 2006

Diablo II fun

Ok i couldn't resist... Here are some pics of me playing/killing/testing out brilliant new lightning skills. This is me, making a level 2 'nova' at the altar. Yes, those fonts are full of blood. Don't ask.

This is me, trying to kill a shaman of some description, using lightning. Maaaaan, that lightning is cool. But he was too quick, and sent 2 fireballs my way- as you can see the first of which has just hit me and exploded everywhere. Due to said extenuating circumstances, the fullness of the red orb that is my health, has diminished a little :(
There's another shaman down the bottom left, emitting an eerie purple glow.

This is what happens when a little creature with a big club decides to run up behind us. As you can see, the pool of blood is obscured by the awesome power of the lightning. And you can see a 'cold arrow' fired by my helper, who was obviously a little too slow the trigger for her to claim the kill. Or perhaps my awesome lightning travels faster than arrows :p

Here is a nice one of a whole band of little guys with big clubs, surrounding me. Or perhaps i ran into the middle of them. I'm a little hazy on that detail :p
Well, my nova took care of them all. Very rapidly.

The 'after shot'. When lighning hits an angry little blue creature, it just fries him and keeps going. Mmmmmm, lightningy goodness.

Well, that's all for thisevening. I shall retire to bed, and return tomorrow. If someone really fun attacks me then i'll put a pic of that in. But i'll try not to do too many more, because i know it would become tedious for those who have no interest in such childish games :p
Or, for that matter, those with dial-up internet- who sat waiting for the page to load, only to discover it really wasn't worth your time!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That looks like fun