Friday, July 07, 2006

Band stuff! [and my poor fingers]

Ahhh how we love music.
Music is great!
Although it is hurting me to type this. Literally. My fingers are so sore! And it's all because of music.

I had an AnCon band practice today, we played from 12:45 til 4:30 with pretty much no gaps. Now, bass is heavier than guitar. And I don't use a pick for bass, I use my fingers. So, sore shoulder, and sore fingers.
But the band is so good!! It is so great to be surrounded by people with so much talent. And to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord", which is exactly what we were doing! I'm very glad I volunteered to be in the band. Lots of fun, and I'll be using what God has given me to encourage other people!

Now having complained about the state of my fingers and shoulder, it is becoming more and more distressing to think about the fact that SFR [the band I'm in] have a 2 hour gig tomorrow night. Argh! More info about this is on the band's website [there's a link in the 'assorted friends' section on the right]. I guess I'll just put some rubbing alcohol on the blisters before I go and hope they go down a little. And when I'm playing I'm sure the adrenaline will make sure I won't be in too much pain!
Ok it's quite late, and i want to do something fun tomorrow, so i'll go now!


Amanda said...

It's good to know you enjoy playing bass so much, and praising God. You're a pretty awsome Bass player, and I'm personally glad God has given you that ability.

You should learn to use a pick tough...*teehee*

Dave said...

Thanks :)

p.s. picks suck! :p